How can I properly clean and seal Hot-Dip Galvanized?

Here are the recommended steps to properly clean and seal hot-dip galvanized surfaces:


Use a wire brush to remove loose debris, flakes, or other contaminants.
Scrape off any heavy coatings like mill scale with a knife or wire brush.
For oil/grease, use solvent or degreaser and brush or rag to remove.
Power wash surfaces if very dirty. Use lowest pressure to avoid damage.


Apply a zinc-rich primer within 24 hours of cleaning for best adhesion.
zinc-rich primers protect galvanizing from white rust formation.
Acrylic urethane or epoxy paints also work well for sealing.
Brush or roll on in thin, even coats. 2 coats typically needed.
Wait full cure time between coats listed on product instructions.
Lightly sand between topcoat applications for proper bonding.


Don’t let galvanized surfaces get wet before sealing to avoid white rust.
Don’t use incompatible sealants that could cause delamination.
Spot repair areas of substrate damage before full coating application.
Proper cleaning and sealing ensures long protection of hot-dip galvanizing.