Discussion on the reform of teaching methods of international trade practice course

  International trade practice is an important professional course for international trade and finance majors. The teaching objective of the course is to cultivate high-quality talents who are skilled in negotiating, signing and performing import and export contracts, as well as properly handling claims and compensation claims. Therefore, international trade practice as a course mainly to cultivate practical ability, in the training of foreign trade companies, banks and other related industries play an important role in the front-line work of business personnel.

However, at present, the practical teaching link of international trade practice course in higher education institutions is weak, so that the knowledge learned by graduates in school can not quickly adapt to the job requirements, the talent market has become difficult for graduates to find employment, the difficulties of employers seeking talent phenomenon.

Thus, it seems that the traditional “duck-fill” indoctrination teaching methods have been very difficult to adapt to the requirements of international trade positions. In this regard, the author is engaged in the teaching process of international trade practice course, the reform and exploration of teaching methods, and has achieved certain results.

  Reform ideas

  (A) establish the teaching concept of the student as the main body

  Traditional teaching methods overemphasize the leading role of the teacher, the teacher is the giver, is the instructor of knowledge, the student is the participant, is the object of knowledge instillation. This single teacher’s explanation or multimedia teaching, for international trade practice course is difficult to achieve good teaching results.

International trade practice course is a multilateral cross-discipline, the content involves international settlement, international logistics, marine insurance, international commercial law, foreign trade documents and other content, both at the theoretical level, but also at the practical level. For students who have never been involved in the specific business operations of international trade, it is difficult for them to understand and digest the negotiation, signing and performance of import and export contracts under the traditional teacher-centered teaching methods.

Therefore, in the reform of teaching methods, teachers should establish a new educational concept of student-centered, so that students can transform from learners of the course to practical problem solvers, thus better integrating theoretical learning with practical application.

  (2) Focus on practical teaching links

  The teaching of international trade practice course is to engage in practical operations under the guidance of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, INCOTERMS 2010, UCP600, URC522 and other international trade practices, rules and legal provisions. In the traditional teaching, students generally believe that it is difficult to understand the specific international trade practice operation only by the teacher’s lecture in class. The teaching of international trade practice course should take case teaching, experimental teaching, scenario simulation teaching, bilingual teaching and other diversified, practical teaching methods and approaches, so that students “learn by doing”, in order to cultivate students’ understanding, dynamic thinking ability and hands-on ability.

  Reform Practice

  In the years of teaching practice, I have worked out a set of effective teaching methods and teaching methods according to the comprehensive, foreign-related and operational characteristics of the international trade practice course.

  (A) focus on the combination of professional knowledge and legal knowledge

  International contract for the sale of goods is a binding legal document for both parties to the contract, the conclusion of the contract and the performance of the contract is a legal act, the handling of disputes in the performance is to resolve legal disputes. Moreover, the results of specific decisions differ from country to country in different legal systems. This requires teachers to teach the contents of international trade practice courses from both sides of international trade practice and law.

  (2) Try bilingual teaching

  The implementation of bilingual teaching is determined by the foreign-related characteristics of international trade practice course . The course not only requires students to master the professional knowledge of international trade practice, but also must be able to use English to communicate with foreign investors, negotiations and correspondence. If students do not have a good command of English, it is difficult for them to do their job, and it may even affect the smooth running of business. The use of bilingual teaching in this course helps students to integrate the learning of English and international trade expertise, achieving twice the result with half the effort.

  (3) Implementation of scenario simulation teaching

  In the teaching of international trade practice, teachers start from students’ learning interests, take students as the main body, recombine the teaching contents, design a series of activities in foreign trade business such as contract negotiation, quotation accounting, contract signing, certificate application, goods preparation, commodity inspection, customs clearance, transportation, insurance and settlement in classroom teaching, so that students are in the actual situation of doing foreign trade business and thus have a vivid understanding of the import and export business process. An image of vivid understanding.

  (D) focus on experimental simulation teaching

  The use of international trade practice teaching software, let students play the exporter, importer, factory, export banks, import banks five different roles, engaged in different trade terms and different international settlement under the international trade business operations, especially let students simulate the CIF trade terms and letters of credit settlement under the international trade business negotiation, signing and implementation of the whole process, so that students on international trade practice have A systematic and comprehensive perceptual understanding of international trade practices.

  (E) Implementation of case teaching

  For international trade practice courses, the combination of case study and seminar is widely used, and the teaching effect is obvious. Teachers and students to typical international trade practice cases as the center of interaction and two-way communication, so that students from the course of study into the actual problem solvers, improve the students’ ability to analyze problems and solve them.

  (F) reform the assessment method

  The success of the practical teaching of international trade practice depends largely on the reform of its assessment methods. The traditional final examination mode of a paper is obviously not conducive to the promotion of practical teaching of international trade practice. In the assessment of international trade practice, the assessment content should include the theoretical part and the practical part, and increase the proportion of the practical assessment, the students’ performance in case teaching, experimental operation, scenario simulation teaching, etc. are included in the scope of the practical assessment, strengthen the process control of student learning, and form a comprehensive ability assessment system.

  Guarantee measures

  The reform of practical teaching of international trade practice course has changed the paradigm of boring international trade practice learning in the past, creating a more lively and competitive learning environment, to a certain extent, enhancing students’ interest in learning and application ability, and improving the teaching effect of international trade practice course.

However, the reform of practical teaching methods of international trade practice courses is not complete. For example, the bilingual teaching of international trade practice is still in the state of mainly Chinese and English; the lack of dual-teacher teachers causes the teaching of international trade practice can not keep up with the needs of the actual business development and other problems. Therefore, the further promotion of the practical teaching of international trade practice course requires the joint efforts and cooperation of students, teachers and schools at three levels.

  (A) Student level

  The implementation effect of practical teaching of international trade practice largely depends on the students’ acceptance ability. The implementation of diversified teaching methods such as case teaching, experimental teaching, scenario simulation teaching and bilingual teaching requires students to have a high level of English and a certain professional foundation in international logistics, marine insurance and international business law. Therefore, students must expand their knowledge, strengthen pre-course pre-study and post-course review, and improve their quality comprehensively.

  (B) Teacher level

  Teachers are the main body of international trade practice teaching implementation. International trade practice diversification practice teaching?W higher requirements for teachers, teachers should be familiar with the practical operation of international trade and proficient in foreign trade English. Therefore, teachers must be rich in practical experience, improve English speaking ability and teaching level, and promote the development of international trade practice teaching.

  (C) School level

  The school should pay attention to the financial investment in laboratory equipment, purchase the upgraded version of the international trade practice experimental teaching software, purchase laboratory teaching recording equipment, to provide the material basis for the practical teaching of international trade practice. At the same time, the school should closely rely on foreign trade companies, banks, etc., to establish the operating mechanism of the close integration of industry, academia and research, the implementation of school-enterprise cooperation, to create more opportunities for students to practice.